Being cared for

Being cared for

Is unlike

any other


Somehow, it allows for more to come through

more to process

Unacknowledged pain, suddenly feels safe to engage with

So thank you, all those in my life,  you know who you are

Your care is holding me, safely 

To be able to touch 

places within my own heart

I’ve never gone before.

My heart is a garden

My heart is a garden

Right now, we’re

taking apart the ground

ripping it up

re-arranging the dirt

preparing to sow seeds

Which will grow

in the spring


in the summer

& Touch others by fall.

No one talks about the pain

no one really gets it

those piercing nights

where your heart feels a jab

That’s all there.

The grief

The joy

The *inexplicable* pain

of being human

No one talks about the pain

the pain of not having

that which you so desperately require

Family, Home. Love, Roots

Being with you & myself

Being with you & myself 

The most beautiful part

Of falling for you

Is I don’t feel like I am giving up

Or losing something

There’s no loss

Just admiration, affection, flattery

Some infatuation 

But the purest part.       Is I get to be myself

When I’m with you

In part, kept whole.

A love letter to the Darkness

Do you know

how grateful I am

to actually be able

to go into darkness?

To create space in my life for it? Consciously or unconsciously, because I understand ~ I know what you’re about, darkness

I feel power in you.

First, you need my awareness

like a baby, that needs tending

Before I can comit to other babies, you are the infant right in front of me. Who shows up again & again

I often forget about you, but there’s work to be done with you.

The work of unraveling your hidden messages, darkness

And I am so grateful for my awareness of you

and ability to do

to follow through

to dive in, you’re not a sin, darkness

Welcome darkness, encapsulate me

Guide me, lead me, show me the way

let me create ripples with you

Though you may scare others, I will stay committed to your process.

work with me

work through me

like a wave

An instrumental sound

coming & going but never leaving subjects the same

always transforming

So I welcome you, darkness, you’ve knocked at my door

I might resist you

but I’ve been here before


Heart slowly melting, shattering, exploding

A portal to the unknown.

but what does all this pain and grieving lead to? An empty space.

Inside my chest. It opens

Inside it, a hollowness

Vast unknown space, Nothingness.

Opening, wider and wider

Reaching out, reaching in. I very carefully ease my way toward, taking gentle steps, because I don’t know what’s there.

I fear it.

[Memory Aches]

Come rushing in

Once I get there, I’m in denial

Then, I am no longer

“It’s for something” I think

It can’t be…it’s too much, too much to carry.


Shocking pain

Pain I didn’t know I could handle, but I am, I’m holding it, and it’s big.

And this void that’s calling, calling my name

It’s calling deeper

and asking me

to return home.

To the motherland, to myself

And to the Soul of the World.


I dream of going back to New York, the place of my youth. For just a short while. The place where I landed on my own two feet, for the first time, got to explore the world, others’ worlds. The place where I made friends out of colleagues, adventured different cultures in just a few steps. I want to walk in central park at fall, explore union square for the winter market, feel the city life 

I miss that feeling, of being connected to something, my family

Of having a place to go home to for the Holidays. A break from work, excitement in the air

I miss always having somewhere to be, somewhere to go, a brain full of hope and eagerness for the future, full of possibilities, confidence. Where did it all go? The youthfulness, the optimism, the trust in life’s process

Sometimes, I wonder if it’s my depression that’s gotten louder, or if I’m simply growing up. and facing things I didn’t have to think about as a kid. Your early twenties are for messing up, exploring and making mistakes.  The world still doesn’t take you as seriously and you don’t take yourself so seriously. You get to try things you’ve never tried, time isn’t of the essence. In fact, time isn’t a concern at all. And then, one day, it all hits you, you’re 23 at an eco village, observing the younger ones around you. And you envy them. You see the ways in which they’re still exploring, and the support that’s had by adults around them. I miss the time when the world was at my fingertips. People look at you and they see opportunity, courage, growth. Youthfulness. Where did all the time go? Climate change is worse than ever, poverty, violence and addiction only seem to become more and more evident. You can’t run away from it anymore. You once felt changing yourself and your ways was enough, but it’s not. Now that you’re in therapy it’s hard to not face the truth. Sometimes, I miss that blissful ignorance, that zest for life, that eagerness to get out and change things. When you once thought you had answers. Where did all the hope go?

So New York, I want you, in hopes I’ll regain some of that strength, that zest for life back again. The place where my dreams came true, my mindset was so beautiful. But it hadn’t happened yet. The facing of the trauma, the problems, the unhealthy and maybe even toxic systems in place, dynamics of relationships. It was all there, waiting for me to discover it. And now, it’s gone. My youth – gone. Innocence – lost. That wide-eyed ambition – faded into the background, asking to be toyed with

But not wanting to be touched


The Breakup Diaries

Heartbreak –

Why do people love if the risk is so much pain?

Why do people lie?

The saddest part about losing someone, is knowing one day you’ll become strangers again.

Sitting At The Cafe Alone

It breaks my heart

You break my heart

You broke my heart

I took a chance on the ‘nice guy’

But there’s a problem 

You’re too ‘nice’

it’s an act

You prioritize above all else

Above boundaries, above respect, above your instinct

You knew it was inappropriate. You didn’t need me to tell you that.

It’s sickening

It disgusting

I hate that I ever fell for you

When I saw clear as day

From the beginning

Just what was happening

Who you are

I was fooled

But I’m the one who fooled myself.

So I’ll sit on this patio


By myself

In the fresh spring air

Collect myself

Convince myself that I’m okay

and can do it

Touch the sweetness of life
I wanted to build a life with you
Buy a farm
Have some goats, chickens, you and I, out on the land

alone & in love

Today, I stopped by my old house. It was occupied by someone else

Someone I’ve never met, but they welcomed me in, as if it were my own.

I said hello, but froze. Something in me, feet – weightless, my chest – filled with pressure. my breathing – shallow.

Too preoccupied with if I was being kind enough, sweet enough, gentle enough, friendly, I missed the part that felt sad, nostalgic.

This longing in my heart – grief, sorrow, loss

Where did it come from?

How I regret not checking in during these precious moments.

Oh, how I always write about sorrow & longing.

It humors me. While at the same time, offering solace, warmth. a certain kind of comfort.

The fact this is a sadness, I cannot name

breaks me, baffles me & confuses me all the same.